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Department of Engineering, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso
Prof ABEGUNRIN, Toyin Peter
Department: Agricultural Engineering

Brief about me

Academic Qualifications
Academic Qualifications

Professional Qualifications
Professional Qualifications

List of Publications
List of Publications





  1. Abegunrin, T.P. (1998): “Effect of percentage replacement of granite fine with lateritic soil on the creep failure of laterized concrete column” B.Sc. project report submitted to the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife. Nigeria


  1. Abegunrin, T.P. (2004) “The design and evaluation of appropriate rainwater harvesting technology for urban household in Ibadan’’. M.Sc. project report in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering submitted to the Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria.


  1. Abegunrin, T.P. (2014): Development and evaluation of rainwater harvesting model for domestic supply in selected parts of southwestern Nigeria. PhD thesis in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering submitted to the Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria.







(a)  Journal Articles


(i)         Lucas, E.B, Ogedengbe, K. and Abegunrin, T.P. (2005). Guttering system design for rainwater harvesting system as applicable for Ibadan Metropolis. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3 (2):  93 – 98. Nigeria.


+(ii)      Lucas, E.B., Ogedengbe, K. and Abegunrin, T.P. (2007). The design of an underground storage system for rainwater harvesting system applicable for potable water supply in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4 (1): 38-41. Nigeria.


(iii)       Idowu, D.O., Abegunrin, T.P., Adeleke, D.O. and Lawal, T.B. (2009). Effect of some processing variables on the physico-mechanical properties of particle board made from maize cob fibers. Science Focus, 14 (3):  277-285. Nigeria.


*(iv)     Awe, G.O. and Abegunrin, T.P. (2009) Effects of low input tillage and amaranth intercropping system on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays)”. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 4(7): 578-583. (SCImago H Index: 0.21). Available at Kenya.


+(v)      Abegunrin, T.P., Idowu, D.O., Awe, G.O., Ojo-Ariyo, A.M. and Adegboye, D.O. (2009). Some aspects of physiochemical and microbiological characteristics of effluents from two abattoirs in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. Science Focus, 14 (4): 524-528. Nigeria.


+(vi)     Abegunrin, T. P. and Sangodoyin A.Y. (2011). Gutter projection, roof and gutter slopes effects on rainwater harvesting. International Journal of Engineering. 5(4): 181-188. Available at India.


(vii)      Idowu, D.O., Abegunrin, T.P., Adejumobi, M.A., Adebayo, J.M., Akinleye, P.A. and Fadele, F. (2012). Development and performance evaluation of a die and roller pelleting machine. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 8(2): 205-213. Available at India


(viii)     Idowu, D.O., Abegunrin, T.P., Ola, F.A., Adediran, A.A. and Olaniran, J.A. (2012). Measurement of some engineering properties of sandbox seeds (Hura crepitans). Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 3(8): 318-325. Available at USA.


+(ix)     Abegunrin, T.P., Awe, G.O., Idowu, D.O., Onigbogi, O.O. and Onofua, O.E. (2013). Effect of kitchen wastewater on soil properties and growth parameters of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 4(7): 139-145. Available at Kenya.


(x)        Busari, T.I. Ejieji, C.J. and Abegunrin, T.P. (2014). A study of capacity degradation of Agba reservoir in Ilorin, Kwara State. Nigeria. Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, 11(1): 397-408. Nigeria.


+(xi)     Abegunrin, T.P., Sangodoyin, A.Y., Odeniyi, A. J. and Onofua, O.E. (2014). Roof age effect on the quality of harvested rainwater and its health implication in a selected Location, Southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 6(10): 261-266. Available at Kenya.


(xii)      Idowu, D.O., Abegunrin, T.P. and Adejumobi, M.A. (2014). Effects of some selected production variables on the proximate composition of plantain Flour. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 10(2): 167-173. Available at India.


(xiii)     Idowu, D.O., Abegunrin, T.P., Adejumobi, M.A. and Adebayo, J.M. (2014). A study of some hydro-thermal properties of snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) Seed. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 5(1): 623-628. Available at USA

*(xiv)   Idowu D.O., Abegurin, T.P., Abolusodun, A. S., and Oyediran, H. O. (2014). Effect                  of some processing variables on some selected functional properties of plantain flour.

International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 5(4): 659-664. (Index Copernicus Value: 69.46). Available at USA.


*(xv)    Idowu, D. O. and Abegunrin, T. P. (2014). A study of hydro-thermal properties of sandbox (Hura crepitans) seed. CIGR Journal. 16(4): 255-260. (SCImago H Index: 0.544). Available at Belgium


*+(xvi)  Abegunrin, T. P., Adegbola, S. O., Adejumobi, M. A., Awe, G. O., Ojediran, J.O. and Ojo, A. A. (2015). Soil hydrophobicity and crop evapotranspiration of two indigenous vegetables under different wastewater irrigations in southwest Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 10(1):365-372 (SCImago H Index: 0.21) Available at Kenya.


*+(xvii) Abegunrin, T.P. Awe, G.O. Idowu, D.O. Adejumobi, M.A. (2016) Impact of wastewater irrigation on soil physico-chemical properties, growth and water use pattern of two indigenous vegetables in southwest Nigeria. Catena, 139(2016): 167-178. (SCImago H Index: 1.191). Available at UK


*+(xviii) Abegunrin, T.P., Awe, G. O. Adejumobi, M.A. (2016). Water quality status of three different rivers for fadama-oriented agriculture in ogbomoso, southwest nigeria. Archives of Current Research International, 3(3):1-18. (Index Copernicus Vaue: 88.77). Available at  USA.


*+(xix) Abegunrin, T.P. and Sangodoyin, A.Y. (2016). Development of a rainwater tank sizing calculator for rainwater harvesting application in southwest nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(5): 166-174. (SCImago H Index: 0.177). Available at UK.


+(xx) Ogundipe, E.O. Oniya, O.O. Awe, G.O. and Abegunrin, T.P.  (2016). Testing of two algorithms in         simulating soil water dynamics in a drip irrigated tomato under different irrigation frequencies and depths in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 16(5): 934-945. Available at  UAE.


*+(xxi)  Abegunrin, T.P., G.O. Awe and Ateniola, K.O. (2016). Soil amendment for vegetable production: an example with cow dung manure and eggplant (Solanum melongena). International Journal of Current Research in Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 5(8): 901-915. (Index Copernicus Value: 92.30). Available at India

*(xxii)  Adejumobi, M.A. Awe, G.O. Abegunrin, T.P., Oyetunji, O.M. and Kareem, T.S. (2016): effect of irrigation on soil health: a case study of the ikere irrigation project in Oyo state, southwest Nigeria. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188(12): 1-12.(Thompson Reuter Impact Factor: 1.679). Available at Switzerland.

*+(xxiii) Awe, G.O., Abegunrin, T.P., Ojediran, J.O. and Oyetoro, O.O. (2017). Performance evaluation and characterization of wetted soil parameters of improvised medi-emitters installed in a drip irrigation tomato field. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology. 2(1):319-328. (Thompson Reuters Impact Factor: 2.45). Available at

*+(xxiv) Abegunrin, T.P., Awe, G.O., Sangodoyin, A.Y., Onofua, O.E. and Oguntoye, O.M. (2017). Impacts of storage duration and materials on the quality of rainwater in Ogbomoso, southwest Nigeria, International Journal of Current Research in Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(7): 4489-4500. (Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 92.30). Available at

(xxv)    Awe, G.O. and Abegunrin, T.P. (2017): Land preparation practices for maize production: short term effects on some hydro-physical properties of an alfisol and crop production. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 25 (7): 1420-1430, 2017.

      (xxvi)   Aschonitis, V.G., Awe, G.O., Abegunrin, T.P., Demertzi, K.A., Papamichail, D.M. and Castaldelli, G. (2018): Geographic segmentation, spatial dependencies, and evaluation of the relative position of rain-gauges based on gridded data of mean monthly precipitation: application in Nigeria. Hydrology Research. 49(1): 107 – 122

      (xxvii)  Ojo, I. O., Abegunrin, T.P. and Lasisi, M.O. (2018): application of remote sensing (rs) and geographic information system (GIS) in erosion risk mapping: case study of Oluyole catchment area, Ibadan, Nigeria. Archives of Current Research International. 15(1): 1-11.

      *+(xxviii) Adesina, A. E., Awe, G.O., Ojo, I.O. and Abegunrin, T.P. (2019): Soil water storage and its temporal association with other water-atmospheric variables in a tomato field under different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 20(4): 1–14. Available at (IF: 0.544 Scimago) Online Publication.

        +(xxix) Abegunrin, T.P., Awe, G.O., Onofua, O.E. and Ojedirran, J.O. (2020). Effect of supplemental irrigation interval and mulching on hydrothermal properties of an alfisol cropped with Cucumis sativus. Earth and Environmental Science 445. 012019 https://doi:org/10.1088/1755-1315/445/1/012019.

      *(xxx) Li, Y., Tang, C., Huang, Z., Hussain, Z., Are, K.S., Abegunrin, T.P., Qin, Z. and Guo, H. (2020). Increase in farm size significantly accelerated stream channel erosion and associated nutrient losses from an intensive agricultural watershed. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 295, 106900.

      *(xxxi) Li, Y., Are, K.S., Qin, Z., Huang, Z., Abegunrin, T.P., Houssou, A.A., Guo, H., Gu, M. and Wei, L. 2020. Farmland size increase significantly accelerates road surface rill erosion and nutrient losses in southern subtropics of China. Soil Till. Res. 204, 104689.

      *(xxxii) Li, Y. Are, K.S. Huang, Z. Guo, H., Wei, L., Abegunrin, T.P., Gu, M., Qin, Z. (2020). Particulate N and P exports from sugarcane growing watershed are more influenced by surface runoff than fertilization. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 302, 107087.

      *+(xxxiii) Li, Y., Abegunrin, T.P., Guo, H., Huang, Z., Are, K.S., Wang, H. Gu, M., Wei, L., 2020. Variation of dissolved nutrient exports by surface runoff from sugarcane watershed is controlled by fertilizer application and ground cover. Agric Ecosyst Environ. 303, 107121.

      *+(xxxiv) Adebayo, T.B., Abegunrin, T.P., Awe, G.O., Are, K.S., Guo H., Onofua, O.E., Adegbola, G. and Ojediran, J.O. 2020. Geospatial mapping and suitability classification of groundwater quality for agriculture and domestic uses in a Precambrian basement complex. Groundwater for Sustainable Development (in press).

        +(xxxv) Awe, G.O., Ayuba, M.B., Usman, J. Abegunrin, T.P. 2020. Short-term impact of drip irrigation frequency on soil hydro-physical properties of an alfisol and performance of two maize varieties. TURJAF, 8(8), 1675-1685.

      *(xxxvi) Li, Y., Mo, Y., Are, K.S., Huang, Z., Guo, H., Tang, C., Abegunrin, T.P., Qin, Z., Kang, Z., Wang, X. 2021. Sugarcane planting patterns control ephemeral gully erosion and associated nutrient losses: Evidence from hillslope observation. Agric.  Ecosyst. Environ. 309 107289.



  1.   Conference Proceedings

(i)         Awe, G.O., Farahani, H.A., Abegunrin, T.P. and Omojola, J. (2010): Effect of tillage      and supplemental irrigation frequency on soil physical properties and yield of    cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in South-west Nigeria.” Proceedings of regional        conference on modern results in agronomy and nanotechnology at Islamic Azad        University, Shah-e Quds Branch, Tehran, Iran. 19th of May, 2010:  36-48.


(ii)        Abegunrin, T.P. and Idowu, D.O. (2010): The needs for the utilization of             agricultural wastes: lesson from maize (Zea mays)’. Proceedings of Humboldt-  Kolleg international conference, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, January, 2010.


(iii)       Obalowu, O.R., Akande, F.B. and Abegunrin, T.P.  (2016): Effect of tillage practices   and planting patterns on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays). Proceedings of the  International Conference on Development Studies, International Research and             Development Institute, Uyo, Nigeria.


4. Abegunrin, T.P., G.O. Awe, O.E. Onofua and J.O. Ojediran (2019): Effect of supplemental irrigation and mulching on hydrothermal properties of an alfisol Cropped with Cucumis sativus. Proceedings of the 20th international conference and 40th annual general meeting of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) held at Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria, Monday 16th – Friday 20th September, 2019.


Irrigation expert

