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Department of Engineering, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso
Dr ADEBAYO, Ademola Oyejide
Department: Agricultural Engineering

Brief about me

Academic Qualifications
Academic Qualifications

Professional Qualifications
Professional Qualifications

List of Publications
List of Publications



i.  Adebayo, A.O. (2012): Effects of Some Production Parameters on Anaerobic Digestion of Selected Animal and Crop Residues. Ph.D Thesis in the Department of Agricultural Engineering Submitted to the Postgraduate School, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.

ii. Adebayo, A.O. (2007): Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Motorized Cassava Chipping Machine. M.Sc. Dissertation in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Submitted to the Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.    

iii.  Adebayo, A.O. (2002): A Study of Energy Requirements in some Selected Mechanical Engineering Workshop Tasks. B. Tech. Project Report in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.

iv. Adebayo, A.O. (1996): Design and Construction of Engineering Drawing Table. A National Diploma (ND) Project in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Submitted to the School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria.

            II.        BOOKS/MONOGRAPHS

  i.   Adebayo, A.O. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2010): Production of Biogas from Selected Crops and Animal residues in Nigeria in Building a Non-Oil Export Based Economy for Nigeria: The Potential of Value-Added Products from Agricultural Residues Edited by S.O. Jekayinfa, CUVILLIER VERLAG, Gottingen, Germany, pp 77-84. ISBN 978-3-86955-937-7.

 ii.  Adebayo, A.O. (2017): Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a                           Cassava Chipper. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978- 3-659- 62752-1.                                       

            III.       PUBLISHED ARTICLES:

                        (a)  Journal Articles:

 i. Ojediran, J. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Adebayo, A. (2004): An Evaluation of Energy Requirements of Some Agricultural Engineering Workshop Tasks, Zuma Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 6(2):219-223, Nigeria.

ii. Bamgboye, A. I. and Adebayo, A. O. (2009): Development of a Motorized Cassava Chipping Machine, Science Focus, 14(2):262-272, Nigeria.

iii. Jekayinfa, S. O., Adebayo, A. O., Afolayan, S. O. and Daramola, E. (2012): On-farm energetics of mango production in Nigeria. Renewable Energy 51:60-63. Available at (H-Index 143). UK.

iv. Adebayo, A. O., and Bamgboye, A. I. (2012): Performance Evaluation of a Motor-Driven Cassava Chipping Machine. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology (LAUJET), 7 (1): 77-81, Nigeria.

v. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B.  (2013): Effect of Co-Digestion on Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle Slurry with Maize Cob at Mesophilic Temperature. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 3(7): 47-54. Available at (Index Copernicus Value 5.54). USA.

vi. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B.  (2014): Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Cattle Slurry with Maize Stalk at Mesophilic Temperature. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 3(1): 80-88. e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN: 2320-0936; Available at USA.

vii. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B.  (2014): Effect of Co-Digestion on Anaerobic Digestion of Pig Slurry with Maize Cob at Mesophilic Temperature. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 4 (22): 66-73. Available at (Index Copernicus Value 5.58) USA.

viii. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O., Akinloye, O. V., Babalola, A. M. and Usman, F. O. (2014): Design, Construction and Testing of a Plug Flow Digester for Converting Agricultural Residues to Biogas. International Research Journal on Engineering. 2(4):52- 60. Available at UK.

ix Jekayinfa, S. O., Adebayo, A. O., Ogunkunle, O., Kareem, S. A., Olaleye, C.  and Okoya, J. (2014): Design and Construction of a Metallic Bio-Digester for the            Production of Biogas from Cow Dung, LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology 8(2): 182 – 187, Nigeria.

x. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B. (2015): Energy Productions from Selected Crop Residues through Anaerobic Digestion in a Fed-Batch Laboratory Scale Reactor at Mesophilic Temperature. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Research, 3 (2):12-21.Available at UK.

xi. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B.  (2015): Anaerobic Digestion of Selected Animal Wastes for Biogas Production in a Fed-Batch Reactor at Mesophilic Temperature, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2 (7): 1875-1880. Available at GERMANY.

xii. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B.  (2015): Effects of Organic Loading Rate On Biogas Yield in a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor Experiment at Mesophilic Temperature, British Journal of Applied Science and Technology (Now Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology), 11(4):1-9. Available at (Index Copernicus:100). UK. 

xiii. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B.  (2015): Effect of Co-digesting Pig Slurry with Maize Stalk on Biogas Production at Mesophilic Temperature, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2 (8): 2295-2300. Available at GERMANY.

xiv. Oyedele O. A, Oladipo, I. O. and Adebayo, A. O. (2015):  Investigation into Edible             and Non-Edible Oil Potentials of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) Grown in Nigeria. Global Journal of Engineering, Design &   Technology, 4(4):20-24. Available at UK.

xv. Oniya, O. O., Oloyede, C. T., Akande, F. B., Adebayo, A. O. and Onifade, T. B.  (2016): Some Mechanical Properties of Soursop Seeds and Kernels at Different Moisture Contents under Compressive Loading. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 12(3): 312-319. (H-index 16). USA.

xvi. Oniya, O. O., Adebayo, A. O. and Ogunkunle, O. (2016): Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Milk Bush (Thevetia peruviana) Oil Using Snail Shell as Catalyst, Advances in Multidisciplinary and Scientific Research, 3 (1): 1-9. USA.

xvii. Ogunkunle, O., Oniya, O. O. and Adebayo, A. O. (2017). Yield response of biodiesel production from Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalyst of Milk Bush Seed (Thevetia peruviana) Oil, Energy and Policy Research, 4:1, 36-43, UK.

xviii.  Oniya, O. O., Adebayo, A. O. and Olatoye, O. S. (2017). Optimization of the Production of Biodiesel from Loofah Oil Using Response Surface Methodology Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (JAET) Volume 23 (No.2), pp 26-36. Nigeria.

xix Adebayo, A. O.  Jekayinfa, S. O. and Ahmed, N. A. (2018). Kinetic Study of                        Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Cattle Manure in A Continuously Stirred  Tank Reactor under Varying Organic Loading Rate. ARPN Journal of  Engineering and Applied Sciences. VOL. 13, NO. 9, pp 3111-3118. (H-Index 17). Pakistan.

xx  Adebayo, A. O. and Jekayinfa, S. O. (2018): Comparative Study on Biogas Yields of Plug Flow and Batch Reactors fed with Rice Straw at Mesophilic Temperature. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 8(4): 32-39. USA (Index Copernicus Impact Factor 5.54). Available at http://iiste.ogr/Journals/index.php/JETP/issue/ view/674.

xxi.   Orisaleye, J. I., Jekayinfa, S. O. Adebayo, A. O., Ahmed, N. A. and Pecenka, R. (2018). Effect of densification variables on density of corn cob briquettes produced using a uniaxial compaction biomass briquetting press. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 40:24, 3019-3028. UK. (H-Index 33).UK.

xxii. Bolaji, G. E. and Adebayo, A. O. (2018). Biogas Production Potentials of     Cassava Peels Co-digested with Yam Peels using a Batch Reactor at Meshophilic Temperature. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA). 8 (10):9-13.

xxiii.  Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O., Ahmed, N. A. and Ogunkunle, O. (2019). Effect of Organic Loading Rate on Biogas Yields of Pig Slurry in a Continuously Stirred  Tank Reactor at Mesophilic Temperature.  Procedia Manufacturing, 35:337–342. (Scimago 0.313). USA.

xxiv. Jekayinfa, S. O., Adebayo, A. O. Sulaiman, M. A. and Ayoola, V. O. (2019). Prediction of Density and Viscosity of Biodiesel Fuel from Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Composition. Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology & Environment, 15(3): 519-534. Nigeria.

xxv. Agbede, O. O., Aworanti, O. A., Osuolale, F. N., Adebayo, A. O., Ogunleye, O. O., Agarry, S. E. and Babatunde, K. A. (2019). Anaerobic Conversion of Biodegradable Municipal Solid Waste to Biogas: A Review. LAUTECH Journal of Civil and Environmental Studies, 2019. Nigeria.

*xxvi.   Jekayinfa, S. O., Adebayo, A. O., Oniya, O. O. and Olatunji, K. O. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Biogas and Methane Yields from Different Sizes of             Groundnut Shell in a Batch Reactor at Mesophilic Temperature, Journal of  Energy Research and Reviews 5 (1): 34-44. (Index Copernicus: 77.68). India.

xxvii.   Olatunji, K.O., Adebayo, A. O. and Bolaji, G. E. (2020). Investigating Organic Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer for Sustainable Maize (Zea mays) Production in Southwestern Nigeria, Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology, 13(4): 31-40. (Index Copernicus: 95.23). India.

xxviii. Ogunlade, C. A., Jekayinfa, S. O., Olaniran, J. A. and Adebayo, A. O. (2020). Energy life-cycle assessment and economic analysis of sweet orange production in Nigeria. AgricEngInt: CIGR Journal, 22 (2): 123-132 Open access at http://www.cigrjo- (Scimago 0.242). China.

xxix. Adebayo, A.O., Jekayinfa, S.O., Agbede, O.O., Oloyede, C.T., Kolade, A.I. and Ademola, H. (2020). Biogas Production Potential of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Residues at Mesophilic Temperature. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 9 (12): 87-92. USA.

xxx. Oniya O.O., Akande, F.B., Adeyemi, D.T., Adebayo, A.O. and  Ogunkunle, O.(2021). Modeling and Optimization of CN and HHV of Parinari polyandra Biodiesel Using Response Surface Methodology.  Advances in multidisciplinary  and scientific research, 7 (1): 51-                                                                                                                                                        

xxxi .Adebayo, A.O., Oniya, O.O., Ogunsola, D.A., Ogunkunle, O., Bello, A.I. and Kuku, A.T. (2021). Biodiesel Production from Coconut Oil using Heterogeneous Catalyst Derived from its Pod. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 12 (8): 1-10. India.

xxxii. Oniya, O.O., Fashina, A.B., Adeiza, A.O., Ogunkunle, O. and Adebayo, A.O.           (2021). Effect of Temperature on Drying Characteristics and Quality of Three Nigerian Onion Varieties Using a Fabricated Electrically Powered Dryer. Asian Food Science Journal, 20(10): 81-94. (Index Copernicus ICV: 77.61). India.

xxxiii. Oniya, O.O, Akinlotan, O.A, Abiodun, I. .L., Opadijo, O. and Adebayo, A.O. (2021). Design, fabrication and optimization of operational parameters of a small scale defeathering machine. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering 12 (3): 24-36.

xxxiv. Olatunji, K.O., Ahmed, N. A., Madyira, D.M., Adebayo, A. O.,  Ogunkunle , O. and Adeleke, O. (2022). Performance evaluation of ANFIS and RSM modeling in predicting biogas and methane yields from Arachis hypogea shells pretreated with size reduction. Renewable Energy 189: 288-303.

 (b)  Referred Conference Proceedings

i.   Akande, F. B., Adebayo, A. O. and Busari, R.A. (2008). Design, Fabrication and Testing of Manually Operated Cassava Chipping Machine. A paper published in the Conference Proceedings of the Nigerian Institutions of Agricultural Engineers, Adamawa. Vol. 29:2-9

ii. Jekayinfa, S. O. and Adebayo, A. O. (2010): Energy Analysis of Selected Agricultural Engineering Workshop Tasks. A paper presented at the 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010, 1008305.
iii. Adebayo, A. O., Linke, B. and Jekayinfa, S. O. (2011): Investigations on Biogas Potential of Maize Stalk under Mesophilic Condition. A paper presented at the 2011 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, August 7 - 10, 2011, 1111523.

iv. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B (2012): Biogas Potential of Cow Slurry in Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors at Mesophilic and Thermophilic Temperatures. A Conference paper for the 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting Sponsored by Texas, July 29 – August 1, 2012, Paper Number: 12-1340549

v. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B. (2012): Effect of Co-Digestion on biogas Production-A case study of Cow Slurry with Maize Cob. A Conference paper for the ASABE Annual International Meeting Sponsored by Texas, July 29 – August 1, 2012, Paper Number: 12-1340550

vi. Adebayo, A. O., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Linke, B. (2014): A comparative study of energy            productions from selected crop residues through anaerobic digestion at mesophilic temperature, a paper presented at the Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Tropentag, Prague, Czech Republic September 17-19, 2014.

vii. Oniya, O.O., Adebayo, A. O. and Ogunkunle, O. (2016): Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Milk Bush (Thevetia peruviana) Oil Using Snail Shell  as Catalyst. A paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Technology Research, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso which was held between  February 23 - 25, 2016. ISBN: 978-2902-58-6 Volume 4.

viii.  Adebayo, A. O. and Ahmed, N. (2017).  Biogas Production Potential of Cocoa Pod Co-Digested with Poultry Manure at Mesophilic Temperature. A paper  presented at the 5th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference  (IRSEC) held at Tangier, Morocco between Dec. 4-7, 2017, published by IEEE explore.  978-1-5386-28478/17

 ix.  Adebayo, A. O. and Ahmed, N. (2017).  Effect of Organic Loading Rate on Biogas Yields of Rice Straw using a Plug Flow Reactor at Mesophilic Temperature. A paper presented at the 5th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC) held at Tangier, Morocco between Dec.   4-7, 2017 published by IEEE explore. 978-1-5386-28478/17.

 x.  Oladejo, O.S., Salami, A. and Adebayo, A.O. (2019). Combatting Environmental Burdens through Anaerobic Digestion of Selected Animal Wastes Co-Digested with Food Wastes at Mesophilic Temperature. 1st International Conference on Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Osun State University. November 5-7, 2019.

xi.   Adebayo, A.O., Jekayinfa, S.O., Ozor, P.A., Mbohwa and Herrmann, C. (2019).  Biogas Production Potential of Poultry Discharge in a Batch Reactor at Mesophilic Temperature. A paper presented at the 7th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC) held between Nov. 27-30, 2019, Agadir, Morocco. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1960U-ART. ISBN: 978-1-7281-5152-6.

xii.  Adebayo A.O., Ayoola S.A., Oladejo, C.B., Babatunde D.B., and Adeoye, O.S. (2021). Evaluation of a Medium Size Generator using Gasoline and Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Energy Sources. A paper presented at the Humboldt-Kolleg, Ogbomoso 2021 with the theme Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Related Research Outcomes held between Tuesday 29th June – Friday 2nd, July 2021 at LAUTECH, Ogbomoso.

xiii. Adebayo, A. O., Olaniran, J. A. and Omoyeni, O. D. (2022). Effect of Nanoparticles on Biogas Yield of Cocoa Pod Co-Digested with Chicken Manure at Mesophilic Temperature. A paper presented at the 6th international conference on nanotechnology tagged 'LAUTECH-NASRDA NANO 2022': Nanotechnology for Social-Economic Development in Africa, November 22-25, 2022, Abuja Nigeria. 

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